Fan Shares Heart Warming story About The Time She Met Winner's Jinwoo

Jinwoo is known to be the cute older member in winner who's kind towards fans this proven when a luckly fans talked about her encounter with Jinwoo which warms the heart of all fans.

The fan talked about the time she was upset due to her disappointing grade when a stranger came up and comfort her, the stranger turned out to be none other then Winner's Jinwoo. Jinwoo even signed her stopwatch, possibly as a form of motivation. 

Here's her story:
"First of all, I'm a senior in high home is in the Hapjeong-dong area, and around two weeks ago, I saw the results for my mock test, and I didn't do as well as I expected, so I sat crying all by myself at a Starbucks feeling all sorry for myself, not wanting to go home, when I felt someone's eyes on me. I couldn't see who it was because I was covering my face and my head, and I just figured the person was staring because I was crying, but when I packed my bag and was getting ready to leave, he came up to me. And it was WINNER's Jin Woo! I was so shocked that I just stood there speechless when he asked me why I was crying and if anything was upsetting me, so I told him that I was just having a tough time as a senior in high school. He told me that everything will be fine and to chin up. Whoever was with him must have been his acquaintance. This could issue...right? He comforted me and even signed my stop watch, telling me to cheer up.

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